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Chris Banes

Chris Banes

Mobile Software Engineer with a love of writing user interfaces


Suspending over Views — Example
·1926 words·10 mins
This blog post is the second of two which explores how coroutines enables you to write complex asynchronous UI operations in a much simpler way.
WindowInsets — Listeners to layouts
·1505 words·8 mins
If you’ve watched my ‘Becoming a Master Window Fitter’ talk, you’ll know that handling window insets can be complex.
Data Binding — Lessons Learnt
·1512 words·8 mins
The Data Binding Library (referred to as the ‘DB library’ for the rest of this post) offers a flexible and powerful way to bind data to your UIs, but to use an old cliché: ‘with great power comes great responsibility’.
CI cache key over many files
·487 words·3 mins
Here’s a quick tip for those of you using CircleCI, GitHub Actions, or any other CI which supports caching.
RxJava to Kotlin coroutines
·1640 words·8 mins
OK, I know this is a bit of a clickbait-y title but it’s the best I could come up with.